Mermaid diagrams on GitHub


While working on a sequence diagram for a particular flow I lost a lot of time trying to get a mermaid sequence diagram to not look chaotic, to not be so tiny on my small laptop, and to have cute colours. I’m saving this for future reference.

 3  theme: base
 4  themeVariables:
 5    textColor: "#777"
 6    primaryColor: "#d33682"
 7    loopTextColor: "#6c71c4"
 8    labelBoxBkgColor: "#6c71c4"
 9    labelBoxBorderColor: "#6c71c4"
10  fontSize: 22
13    participant A
14    participant B
15    participant C
16    A-->>+B: request to B
17    B-->>-A: response from B
18    A-->>+C: <br/><br/>request to C
19    C-->>-A: response from C
20    par many requests in parallel
21    note right of B: remember!
22    B-->>+C: request to C
23    C-->>-B: response from C
24    end

Notes about this config, in no particular order

  • I couldn’t get background to work on GitHub to set a specific colour for the display window
    • This is why I had to set the font colour to a midtone grey, to try to support both a light and dark background
  • the <br/><br/> adds some visual space, so that a request and its response are clustered together compared to distinct requests
  • the par box & border are controlled by the label variables, the action text is controlled by the loop text colour
  • fontSize is changed at the top level, NOT inside the theme variables


This is what the above sequence diagram looks like in dark mode and light mode on GitHub: